Lecture Dates
(Some on Zoom, some in person)
January 14 Tuesday 12 noon
Kara Walker's Big Imagination
San Anselmo Public Library
110 Tunstead Ave, San Anselmo, CA
IOn Zoom. To enroll: https://www.townofsananselmo.org/645/Art-Talk-Tuesday
January 10 Friday 12 noon
Jack London, Photographer
Yountville Library
6516 Washington St, Yountville, CA
In person
December 14 Saturday 12 noon
Art That Asks Questions
OMCA Member Tour
1000 Oak St, Oakland, CA
December 12 Thursday 1:30-3:30 pm
Charles and Ray Eames: Design for Living
OLLI San Francisco State
160 Spear St Floor 5, San Francisco, CA
To enroll: https://olli.sfsu.edu/
December 11 Wednesday 2 pm
Jack London, Photographer
Lafayette Library
3491 Mount Diablo Blvd, Lafayette, CA
In person
​October 28 Monday 1 pm
Jack London, Photographer
Community Living Campaign
Online: https://sfcommunityliving.org/event/ava-jacklondon/
October 17 Thursday 11:30 am
Jack London, Photographer
Lunch Bunch, Epworth UM Church
October 16 Wednesday 6:00 pm
Frans Hals: Painter of Life and Laughter
Alameda Public Library
1550 Oak St.
Alameda, CA 94501
October 2 Wednesday 1:00 pm
Jack London, Photographer
San Rafael Library
1100 E Street, San Rafael, CA
​September 17 Tuesday 6 pm
Castles and Clay: Decorative Tiles in California Architecture
American Decorative Arts Forum of Northern California
September 10 Tuesday 12 noon
The World of Yayoi Kusama
Yountville Public Library
In person. Contact the library to enroll
August 13 Tuesday 12 noon
Jack London, Photographer
San Anselmo Public Library
In person and on Zoom. To enroll: https://www.townofsananselmo.org/645/Art-Talk-Tuesday
​July 24 Wednesday 2:00 pm
The Beat and the Hip: San Francisco Art from the 50s to the 70s
Berkeley Public Library, West Branch
In person. Contact the library to enroll
July 10 Wednesday 6:00 pm
Frans Hals: Painter of Life and Laughter
Alameda Public Library
Online. Contact the library to enroll
June 17 Monday 12 noon
Hair: A Long and Short Love Story
Bernice's Art Club
Online: https://ccsf-edu.zoom.us/j/91069738176?pwd=bGlPN21ncUpBVUU2UHg4R1h4R2tJZz09
June 11 Tuesday 6:30 pm
The World of Yayoi Kusama
Kensington Public Library
In person. Contact the library to enroll
May 8 Wednesday 2:00 pm
The Out Crowd: The New York Artists Who Challenged Abstract Expressionism
In person. Contact OLLICSUEB to enroll
April 13 Saturday 12:00 pm
The Art and Activism of Dorothea Lange
Oakland Museum of California
Members' tour. Contact OMCA to join.
April 9 Tuesday 12:00 pm
A Look at Photography Now
San Anselmo Public Library
In person and on Zoom. Contact the library to enroll
March 14 Thursdy 6:30 pm
The World of Yayoi Kusama
Fairfax Public Library
In person. Contact the library to enroll
March 6 Wednesday 1:00 pm
The World of Yayoi Kusama
San Rafael Public Library
In person. Contact the library to enroll
February 7 Wednesday 1:00 pm
A Look at Photography Now
Berkeley Public Library, West Branch
In person. Contact the library to enroll
February 7 Wednesday 7:00 pm
The World of Yayoi Kusama
Alameda Public Library
On Zoom. Contact the library to enroll
January 9 Tuesday 12:00 pm
Manet, Man of Mystery
San Anselmo Public Library
In person and on Zoom. Contact the library to enroll
January 4 Thursday1 2:00 pm
Hair: A Long and Short Love Story
Walnut Creek Civic Arts
In person. Contact WCCA to enroll
November 17 Friday 2:00 pm
The World of Yayoi Kusama
Berkeley Public Library
In person. Contact the library to enroll
October 11 Wednesday 1:00 pm
The World of Yayoi Kusama
Lafayette Library
In person . Contact the library to enroll
October 4 Wednesday 1:00 pm
The Wild Wild World of Surrealism
San Rafael Library
In person and on Zoom. Contact the library to enroll
September 12 Tuesday 12:00 pm
The World of Yayoi Kusama
San Anselmo Library
In person and on Zoom. Contact the library to enroll
August 9 Wednesday 2:00 pm
What happens When Artists Shoot Fashion
In person on the Concord campus
To enroll: https://www.scholarolli.com/product-category/programs/?sf_paged=3
July 11 Tuesday 6:00 pm
Charles and Ray Eames: Design for Life
OLLI San Francisco State
In person at the Downtown Center, 160 Spear St.
To enroll: https://www.campusce.net/sfsu/course/course.aspx?C=1005&pc=132&mc=135&sc=0
June 13 Tuesday 1:00 pm
The Wild Wild World of Surrealism
San Anselmo Library
In person and on Zoom. Contact the library to enroll
June 7 Wednesday 1:00 pm
When Artists Create Jewelry
San Rafael Library
May 30 Tuesday 2:00 pm
The Magic, Mystery, and Mastery of Vermeer
Orinda Library
In person--no sign up necessary.
May 24 Wednesday 7:00 pm
The Magic, Mystery, and Mastery of Vermeer
Alameda Library
To enroll: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_r2ikUwNITZCxvw4_jcVrcQ
May 10 Wednesday 2:00 pm
The Magic, Mystery, and Mastery of Vermeer
Lafayette Library
In person.. Contact the library to enroll
May 3 Wednesday 1 pm
The Magic, Mystery, and Mastery of Vermeer
San Rafael Library
April 11 Tuesday 12:00 noon
The Magic, Mystery, and Mastery of Vermeer
San Anselmo Library
In person and on Zoom. Contact the library to enroll
March 22 Wednesday 12 noon
California Pop!
Bernice's Art Club
March 1 Wednesday 12:00 noon
Abstract Expressionism: American Art at Midcentury
San Rafael Library
Feb 27 Monday 1:00 pm
California Pop!
Community Living Campaign
Jan 24 Tuesday 1:00 pm
The Wild Wild World of Surrealism
JCC San Francisco
3200 California St, San Francisco 94118
an 18 Wednesday 7:00 pm
California Pop!
Alameda Library
To enroll: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_r2ikUwNITZCxvw4_jcVrcQ
Jan 4 Wednesday 12:00 pm
Dorothea Lange
San Rafael Library
Dec 20 Tuesday 12:00 pm
Art for a New Era: Diego Rivera
Bernice's Art Club
Zoom link: https://ccsf-edu.zoom.us/j/91069738176?pwd=bGlPN21ncUpBVUU2UHg4R1h4R2tJZz09
Dec 13 Tuesday 1:00 pm
Charles and Ray Eames: Design for Life
Fromm Institute at USF
2130 Fulton St, San Francisco, CA 94117
Dec 7 Wednesday 12:00 pm
California Pop!
San Rafael Library
Dec 1 Thursday 10:00 am-12:30 pm
California Pop!
Contact OLLI@csueb.edu to enroll
Nov 9 Wednesday 2 pm
California Pop!
Lafayette Library
In person, but capacity limited. To enroll: https://ccclib.bibliocommons.com/events/630a4b94ba74959c6eba7604
Nov 8 Tuesday 12 pm
California Pop!
San Anselmo Library
Contact the library to enroll
July 27 Wednesday 10:00 am-12:30 pm
Sun and Shadow: California Photography
OLLI SFSU/in person at the downtown campus, 160 Spear St.
Contact OLLI@sfsu.edu to enroll
July 11 Monday 1:00 pm
Let's Talk Tabletop:
The California Ceramic Tradition
Community Living Campaign
June 20 Monday 6:30 pm
Let's Talk Tabletop:
The California Ceramic Tradition
San Anselmo Library
May 23 Monday 1:00pm
Diego Rivera: Art for a New Age
Community Living Campaign
To join: https://zoom.us/j/86567474200
May 11 Wednesday 7:00pm
Let's Talk Tabletop:
The California Ceramic Tradition
Alameda Library
May 9 Monday 12:00 noon
Charles and Ray Eames: Design for Life
Bernice's Art Club
May 4 Wednesday 12:oo noon
Let's Talk Tabletop:
The California Ceramic Tradition
San Rafael Library
April 11 Monday 12:00 noon
Manet, Man of Mystery
Bernice's Art Club
April 9 Saturday 10:30am
Let's Talk Tabletop:
The California Ceramic Tradition
Contact OLLI@csueb.edu to enroll
March 12 Saturday 10:30am
A Look at Some American Midcentury Abstractionists
Contact OLLI@csueb.edu to enroll
February 9 Wednesday 2:00pm
Let's Talk Tabletop:
The California Ceramic Tradition
Lafayette Library
Contact Friends of Lafayette Library to enroll
February 8 Tuesday 12:00pm
Contemporary Art of California
San Anselmo Library
February 2 Wednesday 1:00pm
Diego Rivera: Art for a New Age
San Rafael Library
January 27 Thursday 1:00pm
Let's Talk Tabletop:
The California Ceramic Tradition
Contact OLLI@csueb.edu to enroll
December 14 Tuesday 12:00pm
A Look at Some American Midcentury Abstractionists
San Anselmo Library
Contact sleyland@townofsananselmo.org to enroll
December 11 Saturday 10:30am
California Contemporary Artists
Contact OLLI@csueb.edu to enroll
December 8 Wednesday 2:00pm
A Look at Some American Midcentury Abstractionists
Lafayette Library
Contact Friends of Lafayette Library to enroll
November 12 Friday 10:00am
Diego Rivera: Art for a New Age
OLLI Dominican
Contact OLLI@dominican.edu to enroll
November 10 Wednesday 7:00pm
A Look at Some American Midcentury Abstractionists
Alameda Library
Contact alamedafriends.com to enroll
November 10 Wednesday 2:00pm
Diego Rivera: Art for a New Age
Contact OLLI@csueb.edu to enroll
September 16 Thursday 12:00pm
Diego Rivera: Art for a New Age
Epworth Church, Berkeley
Contact susanejardin@gmail.com to enroll
June 14 Monday 7:00 pm
Dorothea Lange:
That Such Things Could Be
Alameda Library
Contact alamedafriends.com to enroll
April 14 Wednesday 2:00
Dorothea Lange:
That Such Things Could Be
Lafayette Library
Contact Friends of Lafayette Library to enroll
April 13 Tuesday 12:00
Three Contemporary Women Artists: Cindy Sherman, Kara Walker, Doris Salcedo
San Anselmo Library
Contact sleyland@townofsananselmo.org to enroll
April 1 Thursday 11:00
An Introduction to California Art:
4 Contemporary Currents
Francisca Club not open to public
March 22 Monday 1:00
Diego Rivera:
Art for a New Age
Community Living Campaign
To join: https://zoom.us/j/86567474200
March 18 Thursday 11:30
Dorothea Lange:
That Such Things Could Be
Epworth Church, Berkeley
Contact susanejardin@gmail.com to enroll
March 11 Thursday 11:00
An Introduction to California Art:
3 From Figure to Funk
Francisca Club not open to public
Feb.13 Saturday 10:30
The Beat and the Hip: San Francisco Art in the 1950s and 1960s
Stoneridge Creek, OLLI CSUEB
Feb.12 Friday 1:00
The Beat and the Hip: San Francisco Art in the 1950s and 1960s
Palo Alto Women's Club not open to public
Feb. 4, Thursday 11:00
An Introduction to California Art:
2 Muralism and Modernism
Francisca Club not open to public
Jan. 21 Thursday 10:00
The Beat and the Hip: San Francisco Art in the 1950s and 1960s
Ross Art Auxiliary not open to public
Jan 12 Tuesday 12:00
Dorothea Lange:
That Such Things Could Be
San Anselmo Library
Contact sleyland@townofsananselmo.org to enroll
Jan. 7 Thursday 11:00
An Introduction to California Art:
1 A New Century Dawns
Francisca Club not open to public